Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Weekly game: aouw tou rivraÿte euh tekste

Frenglish! Let's re-write this text with a French "pronunciation". iou donte nide tout eundeurstennde évrisinngue. djeust dou hit ènnde goudleuque!
Tekste tou pronaounsse:
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty dumpty had a great big fall, All the kings horses, And all the kings men Couldn't put Humpty together again

Caro eumeti deumeti sate aune zeu ouaule, eumeti deumeti ade heu grite bigue fole, ole ze quingxe orssise, unde ole zeu quingxe mène coudene-te poute umeti touguézeur eu gaine !

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