Showing posts with label Blog-Trotter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog-Trotter. Show all posts

Thursday 25 July 2019

Green shores

Soon I shall cross the sea
to the land I call home.

Following butterflies
gliding across the storms.

Palming the charming stones
which long ago touched me.

Breathing cat’s paw spindrift
an air like no other.

Treading a hallowed ground
locked by an eerie bond.

Soon I shall be listening
to a daunting language.

Probing ancient wonders
watching gripping sunsets.

Unearthing parts of soul
I didn’t know I had.

Sealing a betrothal
which needs no Claddagh ring.

Soon, at last, I shall be
back where I left my heart.

Monday 29 April 2013

Barcelona y la Sagrada Família

 Un petit bout de Tarragone
 Parc Güell


  Parc Güell (fin)
 Sagrada Família

Friday 28 December 2012

Aurore boréale du 28.12.12

Peu intense et difficilement visible à l'oeil nu du fait de la pleine lune (ce qui explique la grande luminosité) et des nuages, il y avait quand même matière à quelques clichés. 

thirty thousand people

The day was torn and grim birds yet began to sing as if they knew nothing’s eternal and old gives way to new that man, one day, will fall t...