Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Prince Rupert's drop

I just love science!

Wikipedia says this:

Prince Rupert's Drops (also known as Dutch tears) are glass objects created by dripping molten glass into cold water. The glass cools into a tadpole-shaped droplet with a long, thin tail. The water rapidly cools the molten glass on the outside of the drop, while the inner portion of the drop remains significantly hotter. When the glass on the inside eventually cools, it contracts inside the already-solid outer part. This contraction sets up very large compressive stresses on the exterior, while the core of the drop is in a state of tensile stress. It can be said to be a kind of tempered glass. The very high residual stress within the drop gives rise to unusual qualities, such as the ability to withstand a blow from a hammer on the bulbous end without breaking, while the drop will disintegrate explosively if the tail end is even slightly damaged. (Source)

Saturday, 15 June 2013

PJ Harvey - When Under Ether

The ceiling is moving
Moving in time
Like a conveyor belt
Above my eyes

When under ether
The mind comes alive
But conscious of nothing
But the will to survive

I lay on the bed
Waist down undressed
Look up at the ceiling
Feeling happiness

Human kindness

The woman beside me
Is holding my hand
I point at the ceiling
She smiles, so kind

Something's inside me
Unborn and unblessed
Disappears in the ether
This world to the next
Disappears in the ether
One world to the next

Human kindness

NB (19.06.13) I just came across this line: "Or when, under ether, the mind is conscious  but conscious of nothing -" TS Eliot, Four Quartets, East Coker III, 22. Quite an eye-opener, come to think of it.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Belle & Sebastian-Beautiful

She lay in bed all night watching the colours change
She lay in bed all night watching the morning change
She lay in bed all night watching the morning change into green and gold

The doctor told her years ago that she was ill
The doctor told her years ago to take a pill
The doctor told her years ago that she'd go blind if she wasn't careful

They let Lisa go blind
The world was at her feet and she was looking down
They let Lisa go blind
And everyone she knew thought she was beautiful
Only slightly mental
Beautiful, only temperamental
Beautiful, only slightly mental

She thought it would be fun to try photography
She thought it would be fun to try pornography
She thought it would be fun to try most anything
She was tired of sleeping

They let Lisa go blind, let Lisa go blind, let Lisa go blind
They let Lisa go blind
She's looking like a queen
But if you knew what's going on in her life
There'd be a thousand barren mothers there to talk to her
If you knew what's going on in her life
There'd be two hundred troubled teenagers to sit with her
And talk to her
If you knew what's going on in her life
What's going on in her life
There would be a documentary on Radio 4

She made herself a pair of orthopaedic shoes
She thought it was the answer to the fashion blues
She thought it was the answer to the fashion blues
But she walked with a limp.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Metarie - Brendan Benson

Met a girl, introduced myself
I asked her go to with me and no one else
And she said "I'd really like to see you everyday
But I'm afraid of what my friends might say.
You need a bath, and your clothes are wrong,
You're not my type; I can tell we wouldn't get along."
I just laughed — what else could I do?
Just then her friends chimed in, sayin' "Get a clue.
Get a life, put it in your song." (Put it in your song.)

There's something I've been meaning to say to you
I've run out of gas and I'm stuck like glue

I'd had enough; I couldn't take it anymore, yeah
So I turned and I ran straight for the door
Bought some mags on my way home
For later on, you know, when I'm all alone
Bottle of wine and some cigarettes
A racing form, maybe, maybe I'll make some bets
I know a guy - lives in Los Angeles -
Sometimes his life there makes me so jealous
I'd like to move out of this place
Change my name, get a new face
Get a life, put it in my song (put in in my song).

There's something I've been meaning to say to you
I've run out of gas and I'm stuck like glue

I'd like to move out of this place
Change my name, maybe get a new face
Sleep all day, stay up all night, yeah
Everybody I meet thinks I'm alright.

Get a life.

Friday, 15 March 2013


"Do you not hear me calling, white deer with no horns?
I have been changed to a hound with one red ear;
I have been in the Path of Stones and the Wood of Thorns,
For somebody hid hatred and hope and desire and fear
Under my feet that they follow you night and day.
A man with a hazel wand came without sound;
He changed me suddenly; I was looking another way;
And now my calling is but the calling of a hound;
And Time and Birth and Change are hurrying by.
I would that the Boar without bristles had come from the West
And had rooted the sun and moon and stars out of the sky
And lay in the darkness, grunting, and turning to his rest."

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939), from The Wind Among the Reeds (1899).

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Alt-J (∆) | A Take Away Show

She only ever walks to count her steps,
Eighteen strides and she stops to abide by the law that she herself has set -
That eighteen steps is one complete set, and before the next nine right and nine left
She looks up at the blue and whispers to all of the above:
'Don't let me drown, don't breath alone, no kicks no pangs no broken bones.
Never let me sink, always feel at home, no sticks no shanks and no stones.
Never leave it too late, always enjoy the taste of the great grey world of hearts.'
As all dogs everywhere bark, 'It's worth knowing
Like all good fruit the balance of life is in the ripe and ruin.'

Alt-J (∆) | A Take Away Show

Three, or two, or one

"A writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which, at times any one of which, can supply the la...