Thursday, 20 June 2019

Oh honey

Oh honey, you wreaked so much havoc.
None of this made any sense to me.
What sort of love was this? What sort?
Was it even love that we felt?
I worked three jobs, tore down walls on weekends
built them back up the next, painted them, planted hooks
for you to hang your favourite pictures.

I saw my ideas for our home slowly being scratched off
and I didn't care because I thought this was how love
was supposed to work. You were all I had.
I just wanted to see that smile upon your face
when you mouthed “I love you” across the dinner table.

Oh honey, sure I faltered on occasions
withdrew into my world because
I felt pulverised by your love
I didn't feel up to the task you had set
I didn't feel like I was good enough for you
yet I carried on for you, just for you
because you said you loved me still.

Oh honey, when I fell asleep at the wheel
lugging back from the hardware shop
you suggested a nap would do me good
then you said you'd love to see the bathroom done
because your parents were visiting next week.
I sure had to plough through this.
Who on earth loves like this?

Oh honey, I told you not to give up
that I had enough strength for the both of us.
I saw you drifting. You became silent.
You were coming home later and later.
You barely looked at my daily evening work
you no longer cared about the decoration
but still you said your love was intact.

Oh honey, I tried to save us from the wreck
but you wanted to collide against the rocks.
You steered our home full sail in the storm
and when it crashed you blamed me
and the rage you flew in I'd never seen.
But you raged in the name of love, you said.

Oh honey, what sort of woman are you?
You stabbed, shot and trampled my heart
and with one twist of your heel I was gone.
Oh honey, you carried my corpse down
the stairs, my limp head banging on each step
and you skidded off the trail of blood and laughed
rolled me up in that old carpet you hated
ditched me in the boot of my car.
And you texted me that you were doing this
and that was an undeniable proof of your love.

What sort of sick lover does this?

I wasn't ready to make any sacrifice
for I had done them all already.
Oh honey, you stripped me of my rights
you let the lawyers strip me of our house
which I had built from the ground up
and then you made sure I had no money left
so I couldn't sue you but I wouldn't have
I still loved you too much for that
for you said you never loved anyone
like you loved me.

Oh honey, I wonder if you ever loved me.
Perhaps I was all wrong and never knew true love
for when you drove through the night
to the seaside where we first dated
stopped right off the cliff
geared the car up, revved the engine
so it shot down and crashed on the rocks below.
Oh honey, you didn't even look back.

What sort of love drove you to do this?
Oh honey, you said you had your reasons
that I didn't look like I cared enough
that you didn't think I loved you enough.
So when I had no job, no money and no house
you saw fit to stab me again, and again,
you spun me around and slit my throat
and nonchalantly shoved me in the bathtub.

Oh honey, what sort of lover are you to let
my feet dangle at such an odd angle?
Where's the decency a dead body deserves?
As if everything we'd lived was forgotten
wiped out the instant you grabbed the knife.
As if I'd lost my humanity altogether.

You got away with all of these murders
only lovers of your kind can achieve this
and oh honey walk away in broad daylight
their hands, like the white bathroom tiles
spattered with blood, carefully cleaning them
waiting for the next prey because you feel
the need to love boiling in your veins.

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