Tuesday, 25 June 2019


I recently developed a condition
whereby I have a violent,
borderline jealous reaction
with practically everyone.
I gape, I stare, I fall silent.

Let me put before you a case I imagined.
Picture a seven year old skydiving
for the first time and becoming a legend.
My whole existence felt so much threatened
I was stabbed by the most excruciating pang

of jealousy at the pit of the stomach.
Now a ninety year old with Parkinson?
Stab to the heart. A sneer. Enough to choke.
Father of two, in a wheelchair? A mock.
Agony of the soul drilled by a tommy gun.

I think my fear of missing out
has gone to the next level
My soul wants to go all-out,
I want to make it all out,
I want to feel how they feel.

I want to feel every possible human emotion:
from the sharpest love to the dullest pain,
from dejected tenderness to tender rejection.
I would like to be everything and everyone.
I would like to die and to live and to die again.

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