Saturday, 15 June 2019


If one day you feel the need to leave
know that you made us happy
more so than we'll ever be

If one day you feel the need to rage
know that we never meant you harm
that we'd trade our life for your calm

If you feel the need to mourn the dead
know that we're here for you
that sadness passes too

If one day you think you'd rather die
know that more people than you think
would pull you off from the brink

If one day you feel the need to leave again
know that you have a home in the soft
of the heart of those you loved

If one day you feel the need to speak up
know that your voice will boom like a storm
yet your words will help us keep warm

If one day you feel the need to love
If one day you feel the need to cry
If one day you feel the need to die

know that you are the most amazing person
we have been given to befriend, to love,
to laugh with, to walk with, to see smile

know that you have made us smile in turn
tear up and laugh, often at the same time

know that we're the lucky ones
that we'd give an arm to see you again
to hug you one last time in the chaos

and watch you go and blast the stars
or create a universe we'd see as a gift
to share with you, even from far away,
even a universe filled with ifs –
anything to stay with you one more day.

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