Monday, 17 June 2019

At the bar

Tonight I went to a bar
I didn't want to get drunk
I wasn't invited by a friend
I wasn't lost either
I didn't choose that bar

I just felt so lonely I wanted to see people
to be with people but to be left alone

I stayed a long time in that bar
long enough to attract attention
so I went to the bathroom
long enough to be forgotten

I felt so lonely I wanted
to listen to all those people
who didn't seem to be as fine
as their laugh claimed to be

I wanted to sit down and hug them
but I also wanted to observe them
just look at them from a distance
to not get involved
because I was already sad enough
for a whole human being to drown

I went to that bar for
some form of closure
I went to the bar and I wrote
and I listened to music
but I didn't really write
and didn't really listen

I went to that bar
to meet the love of my life
who'd see through the notepad
and the earphones
who'd notice the sideway glances
who'd see through the subterfuge
of raising my eyes to the ceiling
to find inspiration, pen clicking on teeth

I had no choice but to go to that bar
to find out that she wasn't there

but I wanted to hear her voice so much
I don't know what it sounds like
but I'll recognise it in a flash of lightning

I went to a bar tonight
I wanted to be invited by a friend
I wanted to get drunk
I wanted it to be my favourite bar
and turn this endless night into a feast
packed with fun and peals of laughters

I went to that bar tonight
hoping I'd befriend someone nice
hoping they could show me
how to sing along,
who could teach me the lyrics
to that song we call life

I stayed long enough
I was the only one left
just to make sure
she wouldn't turn up anyway
her face flushed, her hair a mess,
muttering excuses I didn't care about
because she had finally come
I would just hug her
till they kicked us out

I realised I stayed in that bar
and I was invisible to everyone
and it made me lonelier than before
even though I wanted to be alone
because I wanted to be acknowledged
I wanted to have a friendly hand on my back
and one extended ahead of my unawkward body
to introduce me to other friends

This is why I went to that bar
because I am a walking petrified conundrum
a wrecking ball of awkwardness and of love

I'm so lonely I'm sure it shows
and perhaps people know
that it'll be different
as soon as she steps into the bar
and sees me for what I am
yet I sort of wish they felt
what I feel, though not in a bad way
I just want them to feel the pain
to palpate the sadness in my stomach
and prescribe a daily dose of friendship,
a shot of laughter, a pill of love

I went to a bar to ask my love
how her day at work went
and we'd laugh it all off
she'd stroke my cheek
I'd smile to her
and mouth I love you
and she'd mouth I love you too
and I'd tear up inside
with thousands of butterflies
beating their wings like mad

I know I could be as happy as I'm lonely right now
if she could just teleport in the bar
from wherever in the world she is right now
all these years of heartache wiped out in a second
even a fraction of a second
I'd turn into a well of joy and of love
and I'd never need to go back to that bar
unless I wanted to sit at that same spot
I sat to realise how far I've come.

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