Tuesday, 18 June 2019


He didn't know what on earth to tell her –
what words will unparalyse the fearful?
She lay on the side, knees pressed to her chin,
the frail dinghy rocked by relentless swells.

Why they were here didn't really matter –
the fear, the fear only was crucial.
Each word, each gesture amplified the spin
of a churning stomach in a churning hell.

In the end he had no choice but to cover
her face with a jute sack, it was too awful
to see her thus. And much to his chagrin
he had to bind her hands and feet as well.

It took less than a minute to be over.
And because he didn't want to seem cruel
he wrapped her body in a tarpaulin,
and without ballast she sank in a short spell.

The reason why had long stopped to matter –
the guilt and the shame were his sole fuel –
the constant lies for him the ultimate sin
which kept the ghost alive in the shell.

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