Sunday, 12 May 2013

We owned the night

My heart pounded so hard it made my body rock.
Her breathing clawed at my lips.
The glitter in her eyes I saw through the curtain of her hair.
My gaze rested on her hips.
Her fingers were butterflies, were the butterflies inside.
Her smell was clinging to my hands.
I was her blood, her impetus, her awakening.
She was my pulse, my heart and veins.
We had no care for dark of night or light of day.
We owned each and every star and commanded over the elements.
We were neither here, nor there.
We were impermanent and everlasting.
We were both made of some unknown matter.
And only Time held sway over us, though we resisted.
Nothing mattered for we owned life.
Nothing mattered for we owned the night till it lasted.

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