Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Not here, not here the desert
in this collapsing world.
Tundra has always exerted magnetism
from the very end,
which is also the beginning.

Few words, a man of few words, this they say that I am.
I punched and kicked and bit the devil out of me,
back in that dusty, tottering tomb.

Silence above all else.
The silence within for the words to reverberate.
I am closing in in order to open up.
I am withdrawing from the world in order to commune with the world.
I am silent in order to speak out.

Though deaf and dumb I spoke the word and I heard the sins
word against sin
word against bread
silence against water
word for water.

My staff will come to tread other deserts
other tundras
whilst I rot here, here where none can find me,
not even by accident, for the tundra hinders.

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