Sunday, 16 June 2013


clonk, clonk, clonkclonk
clonk, clonk, clonkclonk
rhythmical lameness
human vagueness
no one knows
not a single one
not one knows
who's this one
clonk, clonk, clonkclonk
clonk, clonk, clonkclonk
now hitting the pavement
then a worthy savant
when he was born
he didn't choose
when he was born
to turn to booze
clonk, clonk, clonkclonk
clonk, clonk, clonkclonk
mordant randomness
translucent humanness
now a piddling anonymous
no more joy than what chance allows
now a piddling anonymous
shadow walking among shadows
clonk, clonk, clonkclonk
clonk, clonk, clonkclonk
out-and-out tiredness
convenient emptiness
like bearing a loss
the weight of the earth
like bearing a cross
which has lost is worth
clonk, clonk, clonkclonk
clonk, clonk, clonkclonk

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