Monday, 17 June 2013

The People of Tun

This story is set in the tawdry town of Tun.
Its inhabitants were sundry good-natured fellers,
ranging from the grass-eater to the admirer of the sun,
but amiss from the roll-call was the storyteller.
Nowhere to be found.
So in his stead
they choose to propound
the cutting and spread-
ing to each citizen of a word
they had to learn by heart.
Anon they forgot
which word went with what yarn.
Had they set fire to the library barn
they hadn't done so much damage
in this year and age.

In time they compiled each citizen's treasure
and to add to this disaster
came up with a book of verse
that ranged from very bad to worse.

The storyteller is fated one day to come back to this place.
Let's picture his disgusted face
when he'll learn of the people of Tun's disgrace:
my hunch is that he'll retrace
his steps and go back whence he came
for there he had earned fame.

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