Monday 27 February 2012


Why buttons?

First, I love the word. Buttons, buttons, buttons. I could also say it forever.
Second, I like the button in itself. Until recently, I had looked at buttons in a purely functional way. A special someone made me look at them in a new light. They all come in different shape and size, its peculiar way of attaching itself on the garment.
Third, I love this special someone.
Fourth, I was allowed to browse through a wooden box full of them buttons (courtesy of my grandma) in order to find the more special ones. It was like rummaging in a chest full of treasures. Nay, it was like plunging your hands in a chest full of coins. For half an hour I was a pirate who had found the chest and was making the coins sing. I loved it.
Fifth, buttons.
Sixth, buttons.
Seventh, buttons.

Here is a link to the arch-site if you want to know all about buttons and become a buttonist.


  1. This post is precious, Roddy! Totally made me laugh out loud. What a collection your granny has! Wow. Incredible :)

  2. S'il-te-plaît, dessine-moi un bouton...

    Joli billet !
    Cela donne de jolies photos, que de couleurs, de formes !


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