Friday, 10 February 2012

The Peripatetic's Preambular Guide to the Wild World

Recently, a friend of mine asked me to compile some sort of guide in order not to forget the basic things when travelling overseas. I hope I fulfilled her desiderata. It is composed of a handful of preparation tips before you set out on your journey (very few are inserted for the 'during' part). The information provided regard things such as: visas, equipment, guidebooks, maps, currency etc.

As per usual, if you have any comment and/or addition, please feel free to add up!

Safe trip!

The Peripatetic's Preambular Guide to the Wild World

1 comment:

  1. Génial !
    J'adore le passage sur les nanas qui s'apprêtent à monter les marches de Cannes alors qu'elles vont faire un trek ! Aaaaaaaaah ces bonnes femmes !


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