Sunday, 12 February 2012

Chronology of the oldest structures, buildings, temples, sites etc. in the world

Major update on the Chronology, which starts looking like a real chronology! Added about 40 entries. I took the liberty to include stuff such as the oldest living tree in the world etc. in order to give the potential symbol and interest of the entries more perspective, i.e. a broader scope, for it's one of the purposes I have in mind to achieve with this collection. String mankind's achievements together, along with Nature's own achievements.

Again, if you have any comment, query, doubt, addition, correction, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD UP! I'm raking up my brains to get work done...

Chronology of the Oldest Sites, Ruins, Temples, Structures Etc. in the World


  1. Y en a des choses à voir...

    Je n'ai pas vu l'Italie dans ta liste, pourtant y a plein d'trucs :) Les tombes étrusques par exemple :

  2. Un grand merci Chab ! Je fonce regarder ça, mais je préfère faire une grosse mise à jour que plusieurs petites. N'hésites pas si tu en as d'autres !

  3. Ouaip, dès que j'ai du temps, je fouille l'Italie ^^


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