Monday, 21 November 2011

First Indian Pictures!

You can find them there.

The place is Nellore, North of Chennai. There I met with Dalits, or Untouchables, in the middle of nowhere. They were angry because another group of Dalits were beating them up over a sombre issue of land. That's why they drew this big figure on the road, some magical entity meant to scare them off. They were very nice to me though. They showed me around. They wanted to share their meal with me.

Next I went downtown, by and under the railway bridge at first, then to the covered market. I soon became a local attraction. Apparently not so many tourists wander off in these parts.

Nellore appears like a large village made up from a cluster of villages huddled together. I have been told that the population is nearing a million. Still, it looks like a village to me.


  1. Superbe ! Je suis in love avec le camion bariolé. Beau "reportage", j'adore les détails, le quotidien mis en avant et les couleurs ! Les couleurs !

  2. Merci Chabouille ! Mais attends de voir un peu la suite...c'était juste l'entrée !


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