Tuesday, 4 January 2011


Jimmy now has a scar on the forehead.
At the time of that silly accident
Blimey the lad thought he was downright dead –
No spot on his ancient bike had no dent.

Jimmy, was it because of your 2-to-10
That you took a sma' tumble off the kerb?
Or was it because you fumbled for a pen
that your stunt was nothing short of superb?

Jimmy, I know you like the back of my hand:
You must have been drooling at some bonie wench
Wiggling her hips enow to wriggle your prostate gland.

Or perhaps it was some blinker on a bench
That made you swim the air in search of land –
Well now you know the bitter taste of sand.

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, you of all people should know
That staring and gaping at women is wrong,
Because first Darwin wouldn't have called you 'strong',
And then even during summer you cannot melt snow.

Jimmy, when thou turned thy head to get a better look
At that splendid amazon riding the other way,
Feeling that you ought to have sex by hook or by crook,
Thou apishly forgot thou wert on no cycling way.

Jimmy now has an ugly scar on the forehead
And once fallen, twice shy Jimmy looks straight ahead
When one of 'em darn giglets try to snare the poor urchin
That might one day get another fugly scar on the chin.

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