Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Sunset and my Gecko friend

Sunset over KL, in four movements:

 I have already told some people that every evening, around 10, there's a gecko that comes and inspects the content of the bin in the kitchen. Having done so - I don't have a clue as to what he may find suitable to his palate in there, as geckos usually eat insects (their all-time favourite are mosquitoes, useful little creatures, aren't they) - he pads his way gently up the ceiling (sometimes upside-down on the curtain rail bar), near the light and patiently waits here all evening long - I mean, as long as I don't make any harsh noise - otherwise he'll scamper in the blink of an eye (the which he can't do, having no eyelids). This particular gecko is not as colourful as most of his cousins, being "only" a common house-gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus some people call him, but I bet he doesn't like it). Here's a tryptich of pictures : 

Hiding behind the curtain. Brave, but not bold.

One thing must be said concerning their way of "climbing": they don't seem to "climb" anything so much as to "glide" lightly on the surface, without any apparent effort. I think I'll dig this in a bit further.

By the way, could anyone explain to me the gecko shadow next to it? When I took the picture (with a flash), the lizard was moving (fast, should I add). But I still can't figure out why the shadow is lying next to it, and not underneath it...Is this some kind of pre-image of the moving gecko? In any case, I find this strange.


  1. Superbes les cieux malais !

    Il a l'air sympa Arnaud le gecko :) J'aime son entrée timide sur la première photo (je l'imagine avancer sur l'air de "New-York New-York". Arnaud : "-C'est... C'est à moi là ?")
    Quant à l'ombre étrange, une seule explication : Arnaud se déplace moins vite que son ombre, quelle feignasse.
    C'est tout de même très intrigant cette histoire !

  2. Hahaha !
    Ou alors l'ombre d'Arnaud a su lire dans ses pensées geckiennes et anticiper son mouvement...

  3. if you used a flash: the flash bounced against the upper part of the wall/ceiling and caught the gecko from behind: hence the shadow!

    if not: weird!

    keep posting, man!

    all the very best of luck with everuthing. let's try to catch up at some point in the near future!

    seb x

  4. Dammit! You must be right, dude. I shot it in a corner, so the flash must have bounced back...didn't think of that. Did it ever happen to you?
    I think I should take photography lessons ^_^


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