Friday, 3 December 2010



Síra autëa Númello,
lévala Rómenna
i quanta rávenna Hrívëo.


Today I am leaving the West,
moving Eastward
against the full blast of Winter.


  1. Namárië, meldonya? Mára mesta! Nai elen siluva lúmenn' omentielvo.

  2. Et vive Namariée !5 December 2010 at 23:39

    Vous n'avez pas un peu fini vos enfantillages tous les deux !!!

    Pourrait-on au moins avoir la version sous-titrée, tout de même. C'est un monde ça !

  3. Well, it should roughly translate as something like : Farewell, dear ? Goodbye rather. May a star shine on the day of our meeting.

    I've had to struggle for some time with this, though most of it sounded (or read) familiar. I still have to lay my hands on an elvish grammar, that could account for some word endings.

    Goodbye then and well met. I'll be glad to keep in touch from afar.

  4. This is excellent, Alatar! A true Elf seems to have elected his abode in you. "Meldonya" literally is "my friend" (meldo "friend" + nya "my").

    If you want a Quenya grammar, I direct you to my friend's Helge Fauskanger's, which is top notch, which you can find at
    I can also help you, if need be.

    Mára mesta, meldonya.


  5. Si vous cherchez à nous faire pleurer... c'est plutôt en bonne voie !
    La vie n'est au fond que l'esquisse des tableaux inachevés de nos plus belles rencontres...
    En espérant la vôtre aussi profonde que durable.

    Che la vita vi sia dolce.
    Che vi porta ogni giorno serenità e divida.


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