Wednesday, 15 March 2017

The lost art of spinning plates

while the plates whirl
in white bouquets of porcelain petals
like gyring butterflies
defying the gravity of the situation
spiralling like flat earths
their barycentre elsewhere
well-known flying objects
in typical domestic brawls stilled
common household paraphernalia
hurtling through apparent inertia

while the hunched man announcing the show
moves like a gorilla in an impeccable suit
weaving platitudes and
praising the infinite movement

while the audience sees through the lies
they know the ropes and tricks
the plywood effect
the ridge under the plate
the impression of flatness
the distractions histrionics

while all of this is just coordinated effort
strategical jerks of the wrist
a keen eye for loss and gain
and a good supply of plates

while the spinner doesn't do much
just entertains the delicate balance
dishes out the illusion of control
with pivoting accuracy
on the axis of ceramic cynosure
makes our heart fluster at every turn

while other hands pick pockets
the motion captivates our emotions
the looped words and gestures
the invisible orchestra twirling symmetry
our mind wobbles out of focus

while all our eyes can rivet on
is the swirling of the spinning plates

while we want and don't want catastrophe
it will happen no matter what
with soft bangs and loud whimpers

while the plates whirl

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