Saturday, 11 March 2017


Days like dark, rainy sheets of night,
dazed like a man just told he had cancer
longer than the longest night ever
unmoored, left to wander and fight
on their own, each step a stumble
yet giving every appearance of peace.
Days like lasting days and days
with interspersed periods of heartsease,
short, relative lulls,
atolls of tinnital silence
drowned in tidal rage,
numbing roars and senseless fury.

Days like these hurry the departure,
ready us out, give logic
to the horror, the horror of leaving,
leaving behind the atolls, the lulls,
blur the contours and with
absolute clarity of mind make us see
what the others dare not imagine:
lightless shores stretching to the horizon.

Edinburgh 28.VII.14

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