Tuesday, 2 April 2013


I sleepwalk all my days
bathing in sunhaze
I'm bogged-in at nighttime
swathing in moonslime

dusk and dawn offering nothing less
than a sedative inbetweenness

I lick my wounds
in the cold house
finding comfort in the relative
security of four consecutive
standing thickwalls

I pass the days half-awake
I strut the strung streets at night

stuck and gone where people used to sleep
where sentiments through spun shadows seep

Tomorrow I boxed-up and shelved,
yesterday-like, as null and void,
as unlookedforward to
dismissed in absentia
clammy doldrums that can't be helped

plodding through nights after nights
through moonslime and trodden lights
sunhaze stilling all my highs
sunhaze burning through my eyes

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