Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Once upon a nighttime

Once upon a nighttime
At the unglad hour
When the twilit bells chime
I saw a man humped on a motorcycle
He was lour he was sour
And he never had the giggles

He knew the road to be treacherous
And full of magnificent bulltoads
When the weather was tempestuous
But on that night he was on the road
For he was remarkably jealous
His wife had been seen with a man named Goad.

Fireflies were dancing before his tired eyes
But he was mad, he was mad with rage
He knew he had to kill them to turn the page
Fireflies were prancing before his unhinged eyes.

The raving chuff-chuff of the motorcycle
Filled the night with an angry pestilence
Here and there in the marches the purulence
Thickened the night air to a charcoal treacle.

When he reached Goad's house on the moor
He saw his wife's car in the alley
So he rammed his cycle through the door
And beat them up into a jelly.

Both his wife and her wan paramour
Ended up in the bulltoads' belly.

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