Sunday, 21 November 2010

Fiat lux, et facta est tenebræ

Almost the same day, four hundred kilometres apart.

Pornic, France.

Chartres, France.

Come to think of it, it wasn't the same day, or it didn't feel like it was.

It felt more like undique nox profunda, densior caligo tenebrarum (Quintilian, Declamationes maiores, XVIII and Peter 2:17 for the last two words) : "the depths of the night all around were thicker than the mist of darkness."


  1. Encore une fois, Antoine, si mon "tenebræ" ne te plaît point, ou si ma traduction de Quintilien est une abomination, feel free to correct!

  2. Jolie, l'étoile solaire !
    Et jolie la tache rouge dans le rétro qui donne un peu de chaleur et de pep's aux ténèbres.


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