Tuesday, 9 July 2019

A blue day

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Today was a blue day. Of this hue which sends you driving across the country, from coast to coast. The picture you have here is one I took mid-morning, on my first step on the beach in more than six months. On that account this is an actual picture of the sky, not some random one siphoned off the Internet. There was not a wisp of cloud to be seen, not one.

I was eagerly looking forward to contemplating this sky, and I was lucky enough to get it on day one. With this, feeling blue acquired a new dimension, put a spring in your step. It didn't efface all the loneliness I have been feeling lately, but it laved some of it off, and appeased the restlessness. Even more so than the sound of the surfs breaking on the skerries.

I could almost feel the colour. And after months of waiting which felt like centuries I could finally say that I was home, home in that blue.

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