Thursday, 10 June 2010

At the Dead of Night

Now I have to fight the days without her
without the feel of her skin
the radiance of her lips in the sun
without her lock of hair in my face
walking on the strand.

I have to forget everything she meant to me
try not to think about the memories
not to remember what she meant
when she said she loved me
and when she didn't.

I have to forget the tears and the doubt,
the pain throbbing behind the ribs.

I have to combat all these, and the rest,
the sleepless nights and the fact
that I would give everything –
everything for her, to have her back,
to see her smile one last time.

Now I have to fight the sorrow
the long days and the lonely nights
the remembrance of what she brought me
when I was nothing and down in the gutter
when she meant the world

Now that she means so much more than that.

Now I have to live without her laugh
without her dark pupils fixing me
first thing in the morning – her smile –
her smell – I could die for her.

God I long for her, to find her,
to live again and see the sun as it once was
what matters more than this?
Nothing. Nothing.

Every single day I have to fight,
every time I have to wake up
and go to work, live an ordinary life.
Every minute a pain boring through me
her smile a persistence in my sight.

Blurring everything, tinging every single thing.

I wish so many things, that we were closer
that I didn't have to open my eyelids.
That I could lose control and fly to her
across the deserts and the oceans
where she belongs, the place of my dreams.

Now she and I have to retrieve a little dignity.

She has suffered and must find peace
wherever it is – our paths meeting perhaps
one day – looking for repose
a haven where she would dwell
and sleep and live.

Now I have to fight the days without anything
to remind me of her, no token of love
no letter, nothing but ethereal images
mindscape of pain.

But I wouldn't trade these images
for all the gold in the world,
just for one smile across a platform,
she forever lost to me.

And perhaps at the dead of night
she will come to me in a dream
enshrouded in white flashes
taking my chin in her pale hands
and looking at me, mute and caring
and perhaps, at the dead of night,

And then I wouldn't have to fight
for I would know that pain is a friend
to learn lessons from,
not some fiend to be afraid of.

That her smile, her very breath
are godsent, that I have lived what
so many only dream of
at the dead of night
and never experience.

That all the beautiful things I have lived
with her, and in some way still do,
were real and that reality is all we have
all we crave and what we fear the most

for reality, at the dead of night,
is the only thing that matters more than us,
than what we may represent.

Now, at the dead of night, I think about her
and do not fear any darkness, nor pain.
And if perhaps some trace of melancholy
is bound to persist, at the dead of night,
then she shall come and smile at me,
relieving me from the vivid images
with a soothing and, perhaps, loving

And I will stop fighting.

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