Monday, 7 July 2014


You and I met on a rainy day
much like today
and your eyes were telling me
that you already loved me.
I didn't believe them.

And the cars swoosh past us
unmindful of us.
No chirp can be heard
for all the birds
have flown away,
hiding from the grey.

And sleep always comes late
and dreams hardly ever sate –
then you told me you could salvage
me from the ruins of an age.
That you could change this wasteland
of a heart just by holding my hand.
I didn't believe you.

Morning is mocking us, rain is mocking us,
laying on the windows behind many a buss –
When they consort to slur the moment
They never fail to disappoint.

You told me that one could love as many times
as you did and true it might happen sometimes,
that I was one of a million
and I could find no reason
to believe you.

A broken gutter somewhere is dripping rain
and my feelings are going down that same drain –
arms at the side, helpless, I watch time pass by,
dreading this greeting as much this goodbye.

With parting lips you tell of the beauty of death
and you can tell I am taking my breath,
smooth breathing in a soothing hell
and now the gods are mocking us as well.
And I don't know you as well as I wish
yet methinks this you do relish.
– I don't believe you.

And the gods we believe in never fail
to ignore us yet we suffer their bale,
day in, day out, until the end of our time,
guilty and innocent of a known crime.

And you tell me we can still make amends,
though you slept with two of my friends.
And you tell me to have faith in love,
that there's no feeling love can't fly above.
But I don't believe you.

I don't believe you,
for your eyes say something different
for the rain clinging, indifferent,
to your hair says that the day has ended,
that you can stop all that you pretended,
for I don't believe you.

And you have broken me down
without so much as a frown,
with a half-veiled scorn,
here, on this wet morn,
with your wonted absence
of finesse and elegance.
And yet, even now, standing crushed
in the rain with all sounds hushed,
looking at your wanting smile
I don't believe your guile.

You may disguise your sentiments
as well and as much as you want,
you may hide your nature
and come out as another,
you may mock everyone
into believing you're a man,
but being tried and true,
I don't believe you.

And you had better leave me then and there
in the middle of the rainy nowhere,
for nothing can change either you or I
or make us believe each other's lie –
both spent before this affair even started,
both broken before we even parted,
mocking the stars and the promises
and the hollow and the artless kisses,
and you had better bid me adieu
before I start believing in you.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Food for aught

"So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being."

Franz Kafka, novelist (1883-1924) in Investigations of a Dog (Forschungen eines Hundes), 1922.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

D'amour et de fer

La tête haute sous un soleil plombé bas
comme attiré par le sable qu'il reflète,
il faut marcher, marcher, faire un pas,
puis un autre, courbé sous le lumineux bât,
jusqu'à la prochaine dune, la prochaine crête
mais, surtout, ne pas baisser la tête,
et avancer, parce que c'est loin, là-bas.

Ne pas attendre, car le soleil mord.
Il déchire la chair, lentement,
sans remords ni aucune dent,
car c'est lui qui décide du sort,
qui mirage de séduisants ports
desquels personne ne ressort,
pas même les pieds devants.

Marcher au travers du silence,
du crissement du sable,
les gerbes marquant la séquence,
le rythme de l'incomptable,
seul et inconsolable,
combattant la somnolence,
le soleil et l'absence.

Aller, aller plus loin
oublier pourquoi
on en est arrivé là
pourquoi ce point
à portée de main,
au bout du doigt,
tendu et las,
plus loin.

Sauf si, d'un brusque coup de rein,
on étalonne la dune,
on balaie d'un revers de main
la sueur de la lacune,
si on boit l'eau de la lune,
si on accueille le lendemain
sans envie ni plainte aucune.

Car ce soleil qui tord les chairs
c'est aussi celui qui nous éveille,
qui se couche sur nos éveils,
qui rougit nos chimères,
qui donne vie à notre air
et qui allège notre veille,

orbe de feu, d'amour et de fer.

Monday, 30 June 2014

Undo the day

Undo the day that I met her
Ravel her mysteries, cipher
Her tongue and uncurve her hips
Conceal her smile and whiten her lips
Let me live the grisly days of unfete
When I thought I was controlling my fate
Before I heard these two luring voices
Before I faced two unnerving choices.

Before this time, I was an empty shell
But I was whole in a soothing hell.
Sadness kept me quiet and calm
Nurtured in night's solacing balm.

Now love robs me of sleep and cheerfulness,
Blands the food and swells the restlessness.

Please, undo the day that I met her,

I hate to have to face this mirror.

Friday, 27 June 2014

the sworded hand

– the sworded hand –
– with spider-like fingers –
– and hale, accurately-trimmed fingernails –
– gripped like a prolonged member of the body –
– unnerving magnitude of meticulous, methodical death –

Thursday, 26 June 2014


Of all geomatrical shapes
diamond surpasses quartz
minutest precision of angles
determined a hundred million years afore
and an hour ago by the diamantaire
as the lesser hour is ticked off by his wristwatch.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Circle within circle

Leeway north of the wind
Intercostal access to the core
Too much leeway
Sleepless rosary of stars
Immobile latitude
Pellicle of pearly fog
Such roaring canticles
Ringing clearly as morning bells
Shortness of exhaled breath
Strands of hair loitering near your face
Heaving respirations of the night
Nigh your shoulder
Cooling down the heat of debate
Acts of love like bottles thrown at the blue
With desperate foreboding messages
Smashing into rain
Into speechless clouds
Chronosensitivity of ideas
Uncipherable sentiments
Light weighing only the impetus of its speed
Trickling down your throat
On a mother-of-pearl morning
Through your bedroom window
Where we still embrace
On the threshold to good or evil

Shattered pieces of self everywhere.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


At last, here on the shore of the Aegean sea,
Stranded like a stranger, dishevelled yet alive,
Sand in my mouth and hair, lying among debris,
Her heart's pulse like an echo that I can't revive,

The memory, cherished for too long, is now gone,
On this Thracian shore, as I lay torn, by doom drawn.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Today got me to face the question:
why ever should I go there?
“Because –” said an interior locution.
I clammed it up before it could blare
anything that might be unfair,
anything that might hurt.
Like I have any voice.
Cowering under destiny's quirt
lashing at my back
offering Hobson's choice
whack whack whack
rolling in the dirt
all beaten blue and black
time would dally dally dally
I have to go there
because there's one question
one question only
and its solution
its lonely solution
all along –
was there.

This is no longer home

On the train back to the old place unsure if any memory is left there Surely there must be an old cigarette burn hissing embers fusing ...