Monday, 13 May 2019

She will

When she will realise
she can move mountains
with her green gaze

when she will realise
she's the neutron star of girls

when she finally understands
she's shaping the world
in her gentlefirm hands

when she finally understands
she's greater than the Sahara sands

when she sees at last
that she's better than us all
and her love unsurpassed

when she sees at last
the good in her contrasts

when she finds out
she's stronger than us all
the strength in her doubt

when she finds out –

she'll move mountains
and supernova our soul
she'll make rain fall
where it never rains

she will light places
we didn't know existed

she will rewrite the tale
of what it is to love
she will lift the darkest veil
on skies we only dreamt of

she will fit the universe
in the palm of her hands
cup it like a young plant
water it with a verse

and we'll all be born again.

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