Monday, 6 May 2019

I am not as I was

I am not as I was, dear flowers –

this buffeted, battered body
to whose contact you recoil
this body hooked on drips
which will not heal
was all I had to make a stand
to make myself heard
to give you birth
and to love you.
I may not be as I was,
but I give it all to you.

I am not as I was, my friends –

days drift into other days
drift again in so many ways –
unforgetting what time does –
I haven't been the best of dads
and of friends –
but please, watch over them
for the sake of what I once was.

I am not as I was, my love –

you know I wrote because I was
and you let me – checking the ties
with our daughters weren't slacking –
you were the mountain
shielding and guiding
feeding the hopes of us four –
and when I finally realised –
we silently had to unignore
the swelling in my abdomen.

I am not as I was
rings like a testament –
a raucous admittance of defeat –
forced to throw the towel –
I fight, I am fighting!

But soon I won't be any more –
leaving you my friends
to watch over my loved ones
– and you my love
to watch over our flowers –

Soon I won't be any more –
but tonight I am –
not as I was

– but I am –

“non sum qualis eram” Horace, Odes, Book 4, 1

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