Monday, 14 May 2018


The Truth is out
the Truth is out
the lights went south
as predicted
books no longer needed
living echoes in echoed chambers
tunnel without walls
all connected
old life in bonfire's embers
darkness closing in on
I have perfect vision now
I have to leave
I had to
I wasn't afraid to stay
I am unpredictable
even to myself
always wondered
where is Lara
where is Lara
riding up to no consequence
flitting in her robe
dainty as a daisy
where is she
I wish I could talk to her
listen to her cithara voice
even though she's here
she's here inside
as inside that enclosed garden
it's all in here
yes everything is in here
the books the words
the memories
the sensations and the colours
the numbers, the numbers!
piranesic bridges building themselves
interalloverconnected –
the world can burn to the ground
I can build it from memory –
so I can finally know where Lara is.

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