Tuesday, 11 April 2017

The mere

the calm pounding of our heart
like a slow marching-drum
waits and waits and waits
by the mere where no sound was ever made
rests in the vibrating nightlight

we feel drowsy with sleep
while the night kisses us
with heavy lips
rests our head on polished stones
tucking our body in the autan
still without a sound
– no bang, no whimper by the mere --

our hand, stayed at the first touch,
wishes for silence and a kiss
for the soothing blanket of music
like slow ripples on the surface
or like the longing for the warmth
of a hand, of a look
one meaningful look

there would be a familiar smell
an eyelash lost on a cheek
there would be a familiar step
and the evidence of the self
an embrace which neither
pity nor comfort commanded
the possibility of conversation
and – however transient –
the luxury of happiness

by the brooding mere
silhouettes brush past us
like leaves at the foot of a sycamore
nestled in oblivious postures
the night does that to us
brings us all sorts of visions
for it never is complete darkness –
this only do we achieve in our heart


time was wasted in colourless activities
now we observe, witness, record
the mind takes in, like hands on a clock
carefully penning an intricate story
which will only make sense
after it stops – yes, after it stops

yet by the mere, don't forget
that feelings are all and one
like the memory of the juggernaut crowd
its blind surge enveloping all eyes
this memory threshing afresh
our logical rage which prickles the skin
like ants riddling the body
– reminder of the machinery within –
the harpoons in the flesh
the dumbfoundness because we thought
our fears buried deep, so deep down
so far down we could forget them

yet we carefully curb the need to search
lest the darkness closes in upon us –
for the darkness lurks
its eyes spangle in the night –
so that we can put our mind to rust
staring with raised eyebrows at our white knuckles
and forgetting why it is we gnashed our teeth


shadows drift like shafts of light
on the coruscant mere
– 'tis a peaceful place
so distant from troubled times
that no sound reaches its shore
– silence magnifies its size –

the mere with maternal palms
caresses the tussocks, the trees
the stars on its surface
expertly fingering the tear on our cheek
as one would turn the page of a book
– we are close to falling asleep now
stillness does that to us –

our heartbeat ever so slow
our thoughts quieted
ready for the motionless flânerie
– and if, for a second, we expect sounds
to be made when we stir
we can rest assured the mere
will deftly cover them
in immeasurable silence
and wait, soothing and patient, for
the calm pounding of our heart 

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