Saturday, 8 April 2017

Quietly into the night

Quietly into the night
we go
the moon a pillow
and clouds eyebrows to the stars

the night, the night, my boy!
We should welcome it
embrace it

do not rage against the dying of the light
embrace it as the birth of her Nightship
to go gentle into that long night
for time has lost its grip

wondrous things happen at night
too shy to happen during the day
only then can rain really be rain
only then can it matter and be complete

at night one doesn't feel so lonely
feel free to roam the wind
the dark plains of dotlighted streets
the confusion finally died down
a faint tremor in the ground
the last metro to a steaming mug of tea

do not rage against the dying of the light
embrace it as the birth of all things gay
to go gentle into that good night
for light has lost its sway

the music bounces on the rooftops
and the blades of grass crack
concrete and tar open
a whole vegetation pops up at night
only to disappear come dawn
the cracks too minuscule to be discerned
the night relegated to nooks and crannies
just for a time

do not rage against the dying of the light
embrace it as the birth of a paradox
to go gentle into that soft night
for space has been placed in a box

the abyss calls out the abyss
blinded by the night's absence of shadows
no more shadows
no more shadows
the daylight too sharp not to outline our differences
'tis revealing too much
at least at night we have the comfort of being
with the same differences, the same sins, the same silhouettes
the same tessitura and the same thirst for quietude

do not rage against the dying of the light
embrace it as the birth of a fair song
to go gentle into that endless night
back to where we belong.

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