Friday, 22 March 2013

The wave

the day has come
it came a long age ago
upon a wave of slate-coloured horses
crashing on the break of day
shafting through the tide
of upright and slender trees
upright and slender as pencils
the day has come
and we're marching on
marching on marching
on the back of elephants
through the savannah
of newly-built watchtowers
for the day has come

with-out the wave
it might never have
come it did

how many of us ended
up gloating at the end
of a rope
swinging and squealing
in the wave
of slate-coloured manes
how many of us
to all intents and purposes
now quieted

now sweeping past the sheds
the houses of calm
passed the Sleeping Peoples
grim, mud-covered,
follow we follow

trudging along we make a hell of a noise!

whilst the wave amidst
us pours and pours
ploughs forth
gathers momentum
and branches and coals
mélanged with corals
from distant shores

we are taken away
pinched by the mentum
like renegade schoolchildren
we cannot but follow
follow we follow
taken away
on the arch of the wave
of slate-coloured chargers
breaking through dawn
like there was no tomorrow

and pregnant women smile
through the contractions
the stampede is a good omen
always have, always will be
and our contraptions
waiting for us in the half-light
half-flight before time ends
waste of daylight
capering in convincing happiness

they weren't pregnant women
with hindsight
but someone had to smile
so we chose those whom the horses
chose to ignore
and bade them smile
not simper or smirk
but smile genuinely

and we bowed down and curtsied
scared mindless
while the wave wound past us
swashed our toes
in the pallid
morning when all unbroken dreams gone astray
are gathered
before the break of day
as of yore
to be swept away
to be swept away
as of yore
to be swept away
in a furore.

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