Monday, 12 March 2012


 Victoria and Albert Museum, plaster casts court (casts of the Trajan column in Rome).

V&A, lidded vase (enamel), unsigned, Nagoya, Japan (1880-90) - the technique of producing mirror-black enamel ground was developed through collaborative research between Namikawa Yasuyuki and the German chemist Gottfried Wagener

V&A, vase, mark of Hayashi Kodenji (1880-85) - the use of fine silver wires combined with large expanses of dark blue-black enamel ground is typical of Hayashi Kodenji's work

V&A, vase (covered with a transparent red enamel (akasuke), believed to have been invented around 1880 by Ota Jinnoei and Honda Yosaburo, signed 'Nagoya Hayashi Ko[denji]' (1880-90)

The three vases above are on display for the 'Japanese Enamels: the Seven Treasures' in the Toshiba Gallery of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

V&A, 'China - China bust 19' (1999), Ah Xian (born 1960) - Porcelain, painted in underglaze cobalt blue with landscape design

V&A, somewhere.

Detail of embroidered shawl (picture 1) and cape (picture 2) made from the silk of more than one million female golden orb-weaver spiders collected in the highlands of Madagascar (Golden Spider Silk display, room 17a, V&A Museum)

The Lady Chapel, Westminster Cathedral

Westminster Cathedral, somewhere

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