Sunday, 25 March 2012

Munich II

"Either follow Jesus Christ and go to Paradise, or be like a puppet of the Devil and go to Hell!"
Seen on the wall of a church.
(My translation...)

Detail on a tombstone set in the Western outer wall of Alter Peter

All of the above are pictures of Asamkirche, Asam's Church (aka St Johann Nepomuk). Easy-to-miss, tiny church (from the outside). The interior is well, nothing short of grandiose.

My apologies for those pictures, taken in the Alte Pinakothek, but the lighting there is quite poor and very badly designed. Cherry on top: they have kept the old glass panes over the paintings (nowadays they only use antireflective glass)

1 comment:

  1. L'arôme antique26 March 2012 at 21:47

    Je constate avec enchantement que les églises allemandes n'ont rien à envier au style rococo de mi care chiese italiane !!
    Madre mia, si j'avais su !!


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