Monday, 16 May 2011

"John Steinbeck, you'll be an author when pigs fly"

That's what one of his teachers told him, one day.

If you pay attention closely, you'll see the Latin phrase "Ad astra per alas porci" (To the stars on the wings of a pig) along with a pigasus printed on every book he wrote :)

I guess as teachers we should all pay attention to what we say, to what we believe will inevitably happen, to what we foresee. Clearly, one could be proven wrong, over time.

Dedicated to all the John Steinbecks who doodle and daydream in class and who fly to the stars on the wings of a pig at night, on a piece of white, single line paper.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha ! Elle est géniale cette anecdote ! Et l'image du cochon astral est très jolie.
    Mmh, des John Steinbeck, ça m'étonnerait qu'on en ait de nos jours... Non, je ne suis pas une vieille peau, je suis lucide in the sky.


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