Saturday, 7 May 2011

The Blind

The blind lead the blind
Because the seers do not see any more
And the oracles have fallen silent.
The invalids perceive the world more sharply –
The beholders stumble and fall in broad daylight.

This Terra Firma is filled with Saint Thomases
For whom Blindness would a Bane be;
Only a handful of Tiresiases, even less Œdipi,
Who found Vision beyond Knowledge,
Inhabit this land the valid only tread.

Perivaticinator of the side-roads,
The blind listens to the sound of the gravel
And not only predicts, but is a thaumaturge.
Yet only darkness to be observed
In the abyss of his orbits.

Beauty is Truth, Truth, Beauty, the poet said:
That is all ye need to see, said the blind.

One day an old man, who had been blind
Since he was a little child,
Told to me he could feel the shadows.
He could sense on his skin the weight
Of the shadow of a tree, of a wall, of a man.
The only thing in reality that his senses could apprehend
Was the presence of that tree, wall, man,
Combined with the warmth of the sun on his visage.
Yet I like the way he perceived the poetry of life,
And light and shadow do have a certain weight,
If you care to pay attention.

Where the flesh fails, the will compensates.
Otherwise this world would be more than empty,
And the people who put their hands
In front of their eyes like blinkers
In order not to see reality
Just glare at the riddled palms
Of their blindfolded future.

Hence the blind lead the blindfolded,
For they know the path
In the faint obscurity behind
The eyelids.

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