Thursday, 1 August 2013

Fragment #3

Capable de tout he was,
even batting the Russians' head
with his defunct rifle,
but standing on his mudhill,
like an ant incapable of sensing its way back,
his boots heavy with the rasputitsa,
he feels lassitude.
He knows he's going to die –
the Russians aren't known for their shilly-shalliness –
half-buried under a foot of mud,
that which the wind cakes on his uniform,
far from wife and home.
Darn mud.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Nor their laziness...

"Don't judge men's wealth or godliness by their Sunday appearance."

Benjamin Franklin, statesman, author, and inventor (1706-1790)

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Ode to the missing one

Where's the girl I'm supposed to date?
Vanished, by some trick of fate!
Don't tell me I was too late,
I was there on that date.
I'm quite au fait
on any fete
but that's another debate.
Perhaps she is in such a state
as she can't but circumnavigate
and she's stuck in Kuwait.
Well, I hate having to wait.
At any rate,
with all this overrate
let's hope she has a clean slate.
But let me get this straight:
I know that she's great
and my love for her didn't bate
but I'm yearning to relate
soon rather than late
and get to create
and sedate
in some real estate
in the Bering Strait.
There we'd ice-skate
and, elate,
we would mate
and ornate
the world with a new bunch of mouths to sate.
Come on, my promise, my soulmate,
I don't want to deflate!

Monday, 29 July 2013


Argentine snow yields lilies
on the levee of the marshes.
The dry season stupefied all,
the great billowy mass of virgas
crawled and blanketed all,
daggered the land
with shafts of sundust
and dwarfed the strongest burgas
we had seen in our days,
birthed the most radiant flowers.

Snowflakes the size of fists
pulverise the fields,
deposit frozen droplets
on the bending branches,
wisps of snow windcoil,
rage around the firs,
stilling the thoughts of movement
before they are even taken.

And such things the eye can't perceive
the photographs reveal
in a silver unguent of healing vision:
the dazzling drops of whiteness
silhouetted on a canvas of ice.

Stooped against the slanting current
the poet slogs on,
shards of rime boring through his brittle beard,
his breath drawing palpable vapour
in the still and fierce air.
His mind fixed on one purpose only:
a faint blue glint lost in the wilderness,
in the absolute necessity of snow,
a cerulean call to dive
into the unmistakable pallor of death,
a gaze which had pierced his very body,
calling for resolve and action.

The poet slogs on,
unperturbed, ready, percipient,
until he sees, in the squalls of snow,
the glaucous summon.
Now is the time.
The whiteout ceases,
and all around him for miles and miles
nothing can be discerned
but those spellbinding specks of blue.

Best viewed in the dark

That's what happens when you try to zoom in on a particular star
with a 15s exposure without a tripod...

Sunday, 28 July 2013


elle a les yeux couleur de pluie
et ses cheveux celle de l'éclair
elle a l'odeur fraîche de la terre
sa peau de soie comme la nuit
sur le jour naissant prend appui
dans ses mains le temps fixe et célère

parfois à la faveur d'un nuage
point brillant comme une comète
on l'entraperçoit qui voyage
et dans l'énigme sélénite
on la voit telle une allumette
fendant d'un coup d'ongle l'ombrage

j'ai fixé les gouttes collées
à la vitre au milieu de l'averse
son regard comme envisagé
à travers la cérule des herses
me souriait, ou pas, ou l'inverse,
déversées par ce ciel enragé

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Friday, 26 July 2013

Fragment #99

L'arc gibbeux qu'ont laissé ses dents,
lune crénelée, dans son croissant –
arrière-goût d'un bruit.


Ağustos böceği ovadan büyük,
Ova biter, o bitmez.
Söyler yıldız kırıklarını, gölde,
Talihden, nefes nefes.

Karanlık çekilir otlara, ağaçlara,
Şehvete terk edip havayı.
Ve kaplar acayip çehreler,
Up uzun, sim siyah aynayı.

Dalmışım büyümesine nakışların;
Uykumda kadın yok, aşk var.
Dalmışım topraktan gelen vakte,
Dağ yok, rüzgâr var.

(in Daha, 1943)

La cigale est plus grande que la plaine,
La plaine finit, elle ne finit pas.
Elle dit les brisures d'étoiles dans le lac,
De la chance, par souffles.

L'obscurité se retire dans les herbes, dans les arbres,
Laissant l'air à la volupté.
Et des figures étranges emplissent
Le très long, le très noir miroir.

Je suis plongé dans la croissance des broderies,
Dans mon sommeil il n'y a pas de femme, il y a l'amour.
Je suis plongé dans le temps qui vient de la terre,
Il n'y a pas de montagne, il y a du vent.

(in Encore, 1943)

Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca, poète turc / Turkish poet (1914-2008)

L'Oiseau à quatre ailes, traduit du turc par Ahmet Soysal, préface de Sébastien Labrusse. Collection "D'une voix l'autre", Cheyne éditeur, 2002.


  Someone once wrote that all beginnings and all endings of the things we do are untidy Vast understatement if you ask me as all the middles...