Love and hate with all your guts.
Lose and gain. Part and fuse.
(Pain and tears and gnashing of teeth
and relief)
Love again. Love it all, till the last
single drop of arsenic, to the last single flake of tamarind on the
Everything that is not given is lost.
But do NOT forget to love.
Bitter pangs of irony spurring the
sides like a marauder the flanks of a mad horse. Some need no
reminder to hate.
(Long, sought-out hours of loneliness
and solitude, for the better and the worse)
Expectations are being thrown out the
Being demanding leads to being on one's
Being demanding ensures quality of
Then should have come an age of
patience, understanding and sensitivity – and humbleness.
But our age is one of love and hate, of
total abnegation and selfishness, of hearthardedness and
unforgiveness, for we have made it thus.
Unlove uncharting man's most intimate
Hours unwound fire-gazing,
lancetting every single one of the
Unhate uncorroding man's most innate
Impeccable mud on the tux – noone
cares but the most desperate fool.
Innumerable rants against fate and the
annus miserabilis.
The heart tendered as a gift to be
treasured, rendered or
ruthlessly crushed with a spin of the
Love and hate are as inescapable as
curiosity and indifference
No bulwark, no vaccine, no defence.
Whence I come they are synonymous with
sounds and fury, respectively.
Whence I go, they are so loud they hush
sky-high typhoons,
but I'd rather die than hold back,
choosing death with a knife between my
teeth, spurning soul and body,
rather than dull life and the quiet of
a new dawn each day.
Every hurricane has its undisturbed eye
– this we must seek, and make no other concession to either love or