Monday, 15 April 2013

No quiero olvidar tu sonrisa

No quiero olvidar tu sonrisa
Y tu piel que siente la vida

Je ne veux pas oublier ton sourire
Et ta peau qui sent la vie
Lisse comme les feuilles d'olivier

Et plus sauvage qu'une coulée de lave
Ton tonnerre claque chacun de mes jours
Et à chacune des marées que tu invoques
Armée de tes bras comme des faux
Capable de trancher des horizons
Tu ressacques le limon qui m'enlise
Et rien ne m'importe plus que les vagues
De ta chevelure d'automne
Et des filaments blancs de tes iris

Je n'ai jamais su faire face
Jamais su refaire surface
Je n'ai jamais su que dire
Et parfois je me surprends à sourire
En repensant au goût des fraises de Malte
Quand je t'embrasse
Et le bleu de la mer
Dans l'écho de la conque
Dans le roulis de la barque

Tu m'as appris qu'il faut savoir s'obstiner de temps à autre
Laisser de côté la fureur et marcher
Éviter le regard des méduses
La morsure des soleils de Fez
Et marcher sans d'autre prière
Que celle de clémence faite au vent

Certains se sont fait un peu moins qu'un nom
En gravant "j'étais là" dans la pierre de Corinthe
Passée par le sabre et le feu et le temps
L'anonymat ou l'immortalité
À portée de plainte contre la mort

Tu m'as appris que pleurer comme un enfant
Ne doit pas faire peur, et ça m'est passé,
Car plus d'un a péri sans un souffle conservé
Et l'équilibre est maintenu comme une assiette
Sur la pointe d'une baguette.
Tout arrive si vite qu'on n'a plus le temps.

Alors on disculpe à tour de bras
Et l'envie tourne au vinaigre
Parce qu'on ne sait plus comment faire.
Et d'une poigne de fer on plie la dune.

La nuit semble impénétrable pour qui ne sait pas que la nuit existe
La magie du doigt opérant l'entaille dans le vif de la pierre
Rectiligne car il n'a jamais eu à faire ce geste
Et il ne le répétera jamais –
Il aurait suivi une courbe s'il avait cru en Dieu.

Certains tournent la page en fuyant le jour,
Laissent une traînée incandescente de misère dans leur sillage.
Le marbre dalle nos allers et venues.
Tu m'as appris qu'on fait des choix par amour.

Tu m'as appris qu'il y a des cris dans la nuit
Dont on n'entend que la fin,
Pour peu qu'on ait laissé la fenêtre entrouverte.
Sinon on n'entend rien, car la voix s'arrête, ou on a fui.

Et les aurores reprennent dans tes pupilles
Car tu m'as appris que la vie continue
Car souvent dix mille mains tendues
N'y suffisent pas. Si on le veut, on vacille.

Et les branches des pins bruissent entre tes doigts,
Pareilles à des montagnes qui se caressent
Douze mille ans durant tu m'as manqué
Car la nuit vint s'interposer entre nous
Alors que nous marchions dans les oliveraies de Damas
Douze mille ans que je n'ai baisé tes lèvres
Et autant à attendre ta venue sur ce chemin de terre.

À présent que tu es arrivée,
Je sais que je n'ai pas oublié ton sourire
et ta peau qui sent la vie.

Ups and downs

"Only mediocrity can be trusted to be always at its best. Genius must always have lapses proportionate to its triumphs."

Max Beerbohm, essayist, parodist, and caricaturist (1872-1956)

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Slippery when said

"No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous."

Henry Brooks Adams, historian (1838-1918)

Friday, 5 April 2013

Accidental purpose

"What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree? The purpose of the giant sequoia tree is to provide shade for the tiny titmouse."

Edward Abbey, naturalist and author (1927-1989)

Thursday, 4 April 2013


So many times I disagree
with what people say
for I look and think differently
I'm not like them they say
and with that I'm perfectly okay
for I've learnt how to feel
because I went blind
and I perspired the fear
the dark glare of that black sun
which most are content to get away from

so often I'm just glad to be alive
and to be able to remember my dreams
even if more often than not they hurt
even if so often they drive
me nuts
for they show what I spurn
and place a mirror
before my face

for days and days I've been hard-pressed
not to say depressed
but I walked on
in parks
along pavements
sifting the sentiments
scribbling messages
on the bark of the planes

perhaps I've never felt right in my head
but I tend to smile the more
at the silly lies people invent
to thresh reality
to shred their dreams
and they stay at home, content
as I sometimes am, sometimes,
to stay at home when I'm low
and stay put in bed
all lights in the red
but then I get fidgety
I want to see to see
what the world's up to

I'm full of bad habits
and of all sorts of odd bits
but my girlfriend likes me this way
she says we could open up a shop
and sell reveries
and fantasies
to all those who stopped
thinking life's bewildering array
is not too bewildering not to do away
with the oddities
I say that in time we all can learn
to fake even our happiness
and to fool the best of friends

I've been known to talk in my sleep
I've been known to blow a fuse
that's because I've seen the deep
for me darkness has no hidden hues

sometimes I hate to be alone
even lousy company suffices
to feel at home
in this mad world
bar the deficiencies
Sometimes I just hate to be alone
no word
to express
the loneliness
even a word
can shatter

Perhaps I'm mad but that's how I live
and I don't forget to give
as much as I receive
and I leave
on tiptoe
before they know
I was here -
only one line
cut afresh
on a tree
I am free.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


I sleepwalk all my days
bathing in sunhaze
I'm bogged-in at nighttime
swathing in moonslime

dusk and dawn offering nothing less
than a sedative inbetweenness

I lick my wounds
in the cold house
finding comfort in the relative
security of four consecutive
standing thickwalls

I pass the days half-awake
I strut the strung streets at night

stuck and gone where people used to sleep
where sentiments through spun shadows seep

Tomorrow I boxed-up and shelved,
yesterday-like, as null and void,
as unlookedforward to
dismissed in absentia
clammy doldrums that can't be helped

plodding through nights after nights
through moonslime and trodden lights
sunhaze stilling all my highs
sunhaze burning through my eyes


"Everyone, in some small sacred sanctuary of the self, is nuts."

Leo Calvin Rosten, academic, humorist, scriptwriter, storywriter, journalist (1908-1997)

Sunday, 31 March 2013


She doesn't pay attention to me,
Nor does she to anybody.
She never does, unless she must.

She passes her days
In a blissful daze
Only minding the urgency

Or what will impact her life
in the next five

One day she'll pass away
quite unmindful
of the sad disarray
of the hassle
she'll leave

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Metarie - Brendan Benson

Met a girl, introduced myself
I asked her go to with me and no one else
And she said "I'd really like to see you everyday
But I'm afraid of what my friends might say.
You need a bath, and your clothes are wrong,
You're not my type; I can tell we wouldn't get along."
I just laughed — what else could I do?
Just then her friends chimed in, sayin' "Get a clue.
Get a life, put it in your song." (Put it in your song.)

There's something I've been meaning to say to you
I've run out of gas and I'm stuck like glue

I'd had enough; I couldn't take it anymore, yeah
So I turned and I ran straight for the door
Bought some mags on my way home
For later on, you know, when I'm all alone
Bottle of wine and some cigarettes
A racing form, maybe, maybe I'll make some bets
I know a guy - lives in Los Angeles -
Sometimes his life there makes me so jealous
I'd like to move out of this place
Change my name, get a new face
Get a life, put it in my song (put in in my song).

There's something I've been meaning to say to you
I've run out of gas and I'm stuck like glue

I'd like to move out of this place
Change my name, maybe get a new face
Sleep all day, stay up all night, yeah
Everybody I meet thinks I'm alright.

Get a life.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Reap what you sow

"Flatter me, and I may not believe you.
Criticize me, and I may not like you.
Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and I will not forget you."

William Arthur Ward, college administrator, writer (1921-1994)


  Someone once wrote that all beginnings and all endings of the things we do are untidy Vast understatement if you ask me as all the middles...