Sunday, 6 January 2013

Finding Gunnar Ekelöf

I have "discovered" this Swedish poet thanks to my Swedish friends who have highly recommended my reading his oeuvre. I looked up for translations of his poems. First thing which struck me was his voice: I immediately heard it. I have been told he was a niche, a special poet in the pantheon. Yet, sadly, I couldn't lay my hands on any book by him in English. There was only one edition available in French, found in only one bookshop in Stockholm. How disappointing not to be able to read in Swedish.

Then I scoured the Internet and a few things have turned up.


Det är till tystnaden du skall lyssna
tystnaden bakom apostroferingar, allusioner
tystnaden i retoriken
eller i det så kallade formellt fulländade
Detta är sökandet efter ett meningslöst
i det meningsfulla
och omvänt
Och allt vad jag så konstfullt söker dikta
är kontrastvis någonting konstlöst
och hela fyllnaden tom
Vad jag har skrivit
är skrivet mellan raderna


It is the silence you’re to listen to
the silence behind quotation marks, allusions
the silence in the rhetoric
or in the so-called formally accomplished
This is the search for what’s meaningless
in the meaningful
and vice versa
And all that I artfully seek to compose
is by way of contrast something artless
and the whole fullness empty
What I have written
is written between the lines

Kinesisk broderi

En eldfågels bo är hjärtat
byggt med kvistar av ådror

fodrat med lågor. Men fågeln
ruvar där i en ännu högre
värme. Från dess bröst och sidor
tycks lågorna vika. Orörd
vilar den på det osynliga ägget
med vingarna fläktande, stjärtens fjädrar
hängande ut över bokanten. Eller den fladdrar
ett ögonblick upp som för att hämta
tankars och bilders insekt, försvinnande
i luftens siden så snart den lyftat
åter synlig först då den åter vilar
i lågorna, slätande sina fjädrar med näbbet.

Chinese embroidery

A firebird’s nest is the heart
built with twigs of veins
nourished with flames. But the bird
broods there in an even greater
heat. From its breast and sides
the flames seem to fall back. Untouched
it rests on the invisible egg
its wings fanning, its tail-feathers
hanging over the nest’s edge. Or it flutters
up for an instant as if to fetch
an insect of thoughts and images, disappearing
into the silk of the air as soon as it has lifted
only visible again when it once more rests
in the flames, smoothing its feathers with its beak.

Both are re-blogged from this site. Then there's also this video of "I do best alone at night":

And finally these two poems:

Yes, I long for home,
Homeless I long for home,
Home to where love is, the one, the good,
Home to my real home!
That home is bright -
In my mind I open the door,
See everything awaiting me there. 
(from 'One after one')

A desolate wind from the city
and nearer, further
the bell's burden, swinging fifths
- it's burning! it's burning! -
of the dread march:
We lived - just then!
We live now not at all,
we shall live - for the firs time!
(from 'Marche funèbre' in Mölna Elegy, 1960)

Both taken from his biography. It's quite long, but worth it. These two poems are fantastic ones - he did put his finger right on the spot.

This last link will direct you to nine poems translated into various languages, taken from various collections spanning 35 years. Simply wonderful.

Problem is: I couldn't find anything else! Now I have to appeal to anyone who knows where copies of his poems can be gotten...please contact me!

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