Monday 2 April 2012

Starkbierfest 2012 Munich

As the name suggests, the following pictures were taken during the Strong Beer Festival held in Munich.

It was a lot of fun. Good beer, good cheer, good band, good dirndl (typical Bavarian dress which I like immensely for the, well, for the view of women's attributes it provides; the male equivalent is called the lederhosen, and I was told isn't practical "if you're in a hurry to piss", which I guess must be the case quite often considering the number of the pints a lambda Bavarian downs in one sitting.) Warmhearted thanks to my friend who brought me there!

And here's a whiff of the ambiance:


  1. Je l'ai toujours dit, les Allemands savent vivre.
    C'est bien gentil tout ça, mais nous on veut les photos de fin de soirée... ^^

    (P.S : c'est StarkbIErfest mon lapin, il y a eu inversion dans les lettres)

  2. Merci, erreur corrigée ^_^ (sûrement des relents de la soiré y'a pas de photos...trop compromettantes ~_~')


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