Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Lost and Found

I found out the other day while making my way to work by bus, that no two people are alike and that 'us' is at best overrated, at worse is dull. Yet 'us' remains celebrated. Worldwide. Every day, every hour, on every side, for the common good, for the common benefit, because we all should, and do (and see fit to), love our neighbour.

I found out the other night that cats walking backwards can be caught in full flight without sending them gravewards.

I found out the other man that snarling at people, and grinning, are common activities among the living just because my flyers were open.

I found out the other window that the supply of darkness is endless, coming with the certainty of evidence and the unreasonable attraction to glow.

I found out the other life that no one can endure eating too much manure, unless he doesn't want a wife.

I found out the other millisecond that one can believe in Man as long as he can take a hearty bite of the reality cake.

I found out the other Conrad that a nice, big, fat wad of cash may help catch the long-awaited rivets, but unexpected wavelets on rivulets may mean more than just a catspaw – problematic jaws might result in unwittingly, more than unwillingly, hanging together.

I found out the other conference that yes, 'us' only exist insofar as 'us' hang together, and dress in the same grandiloquent manner.

I found out the other cosmos that in the absolute necessity of silence – in fact our left-out, superseded osmosis – from which we yack away at the speed of light – by hacking at a keyboard and glaring at a computer, communicating without talking, feeling without sharing – we bandy hollowed-out words and miss the sentence.

I find out the other thought that in our widest spectrum of expectations we might stumble on the Panacea, or a vial of Immortality serum – subsequently mimicking a Cro-magnon who, having found a lighter, drops his flints and breaks into a dance.

I found out the other date that we are, everyone, all together, altogether, alone, eagerly waiting for the day we will say – and think – and be – “us”.

1 comment:

  1. I actually think we can expect too much of "us", whatever "us" means.


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