Wednesday, 8 May 2013

...or in oblivion.

"Life is an adventure in forgiveness."

Norman Cousins, author and editor (1915-1990)

Monday, 6 May 2013

Master and Servant

"The question is," said Alice, "whether you CAN make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all."

Lewis Carroll, mathematician and writer (1832-1898)

Sunday, 5 May 2013

L'ordre des choses

J'ordonne au jour d'être clément avec toi et de ne point obscurcir ta blonde chevelure. Je lui ordonne de briller sur toi, quoiqu'il arrive.
J'ordonne aux nuages de ne point pleuvoir sur toi, sous peine de poursuite impitoyable.
J'ordonne au vent de ne point souffler sur toi, de simplement mettre cette frange au milieu de tes yeux qui étincellent et s'illuminent de milliers de lueurs comme autant de lucioles cherchant leur chemin dans une nuit d'encre.
J'ordonne au crépuscule d'attendre que nous soyons réunis pour se coucher.
J'ordonne au temps de ne point poursuivre sa course sans notre consentement.
J'ordonne aux éléments, d'un signe de la tête, de donner leur assentiment pour que, dès lors, sans un bruit autre qu'un bruissement d'aile de papillon pris dans une tempête, je dépose un baiser sur ces lèvres que je n'ai su amadouer au dernier regard de pluie.

à elle.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

The best of us

"In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone could have."

Lee Iacocca, automobile executive (b. 1924)

Tuesday, 30 April 2013


I've always noticed that everything changes at 12:34.
It's a hinge in time. The Crux of events.
And if they don't change at 12:34,
They never, ever do. They become a rent
in the fabric of time which we must mend,
that is – if we want to see the end.

Countless mugs of steaming tea came at 12:34.
My mum's ashes went to sea precisely at 12:34.
Whenever I turn my eyes to the local clock it's 12:34.
Whenever I wonder what fate has in her stock it's 12:34.

All the numbers added together make ten.
Isn't ten a number revered by most men?
For moving nothingness resides within.
In sequence the addition of the first and the next.
These numbers, since the world began, are in the texts.

I hold 12:34 to be the key
                                              to our innermost secrets.

12:34 it was when I was as good as dead in India.
12:34 it is when I usually brush my teeth.
12:34 it was when that grim bomb exploded in Libya.
12:34 it was when Macbeth met them on the heath.

12:34 is the exact time when you said you loved me.
1234 is the number of days our love lasted.

It's too ominous a time for it not to be watched.
It might well be then that something happens to me.

Am I bored out of my wits? Am I seeing things that aren't, that were never meant to be? Am I daydreaming? Wakewalking with my eyes closed? Sleepwalking with my eyes open? Have my senses become numb? Have my sentiments died without my noticing?

I'm falling apart, my friends. Something needs be done. No is, indeed, 12:34, sharp.


"There is then creative reading as well as creative writing. When the mind is braced by labor and invention, the page of whatever book we read becomes luminous with manifold allusion."

Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

Monday, 29 April 2013

Barcelona y la Sagrada Família

 Un petit bout de Tarragone
 Parc Güell


  Parc Güell (fin)
 Sagrada Família

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Belle & Sebastian-Beautiful

She lay in bed all night watching the colours change
She lay in bed all night watching the morning change
She lay in bed all night watching the morning change into green and gold

The doctor told her years ago that she was ill
The doctor told her years ago to take a pill
The doctor told her years ago that she'd go blind if she wasn't careful

They let Lisa go blind
The world was at her feet and she was looking down
They let Lisa go blind
And everyone she knew thought she was beautiful
Only slightly mental
Beautiful, only temperamental
Beautiful, only slightly mental

She thought it would be fun to try photography
She thought it would be fun to try pornography
She thought it would be fun to try most anything
She was tired of sleeping

They let Lisa go blind, let Lisa go blind, let Lisa go blind
They let Lisa go blind
She's looking like a queen
But if you knew what's going on in her life
There'd be a thousand barren mothers there to talk to her
If you knew what's going on in her life
There'd be two hundred troubled teenagers to sit with her
And talk to her
If you knew what's going on in her life
What's going on in her life
There would be a documentary on Radio 4

She made herself a pair of orthopaedic shoes
She thought it was the answer to the fashion blues
She thought it was the answer to the fashion blues
But she walked with a limp.

La part des choses

La part des choses
est faite
                                                                Et l'on vivote
au détour d'une lettre
                                                                au fond d'une grotte
un bout de prose
posée sur l'entête
                                                                sans espoir
d'une nappe morose
un soir de fête
                                                                dans le noir
sans cause
et désuète.
                                                                sans bruit
La glose imparfaite
en attente de métamorphose
                                                                dans le fond de la nuit
voit les nuits inquiètes
et grandioses
                                                                sans un souffle.
s'éteindre dans un souffle.

Sheer luck

"English usage is sometimes more than mere taste, judgment, and education - sometimes it's sheer luck, like getting across the street."

E.B. White, writer (1899-1985)


  Someone once wrote that all beginnings and all endings of the things we do are untidy Vast understatement if you ask me as all the middles...