Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Something on the mind

Something on the mind

chipping away at the heart

clipping crevices smooth

seeking diaphany 

nagging the tip of the tongue

not quite unright or unthere

Something on the mind

thinning the eyelids

spurring pins and needles

tightening frumpled fingertips

Something on the mind

that behoves death to endure

weighing a goliathan star

pullgraviting everything about

alldreading void and longing

Something on the mind

spirating slowly into stasis

sunstilled dust particle

snapshot into existence

In one last, contorted pulse

something on the mind

flashflaring like a supernova

tesselating the seen and felt

fractalled into sense

Something on the mind

opened eye and hand

and fell out of both

in the sharp, exacting light.

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