Thursday, 21 December 2017

Le grand cambriolage

Sometimes I wish somebody broke into my flat
and burgled everything – even the books
even my clothes – nothing even to be sat
and nought but dust sheeping in the nooks.

I'd then be homeless and run with the gale
cross deserts and all them little brooks
I've been dreaming of as if the grail –
I'd then be free from everything that hooks.

I frankly don't know what's pinning me down here –
everywhere I seem to be turning my looks
I see nothing but madness tier upon tier
I see nothing but what the mind snaps and crooks –

Yet everyone content with the same outlooks
– only I at peace with what reality brings –
while all seem arrayed in ready-to-burn stooks
while all see the essence in booze, drugs and flings.

Sometimes I wish somebody broke into my flat
so I could finally shirk off this pack of rooks
and go my own way for this isn't my combat –
to each their own fading bliss in their own fading books.

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