Wednesday, 20 December 2017


Children play-pretend they're adult
playing dead
because there's nothing else to do
every day
at four on the
gameless playground

mirror shards beaming
like a sniper's red dot on the forehead
killing on sight
no cover, even in the dark of
the abandoned shack –
recreational death
mimicking that outside
the other one the adults play
and can't stop talking about

dismembering locusts
recreating death
because pain is not felt
but it feels good to bring it
– heck yeah it does –
perhaps even going as far as
dancing around the carcasses
because rituals have to start somewhen

and all those black threads
covering everything
all stemming from the one broom –
children feel like witches
riding the dark night –
it covers the sounds
muffles your footsteps
no-one can hear you or
the kite-runners of Karachi

– we know what happens to kite-runners:
they either get caught or thunderstruck –

children hopscotch from earth to heaven
sometimes on shards of botched buildings
crudely chalked on the patched playground
the game is avoid stumbling
over the pitfalls, over the graves –
to be underground is to be forgotten
if only until after the living's to return –

no children game is ever innocent
and the adults play-pretend children
contradict in terms:
children playing grown-ups
and adults pretend they're Peter Pans
because too much reality isn't fun, right –

the preferred oblivion of
a doll which will obey our every wish
a delirious dance in a nightclub
the costumed thrill of a carnival

no game is ever innocent
aiming at some lower point
the elusive in-between
where everything comes to life –

sometimes a squeaking, squawking bike
endlessly circling in a closed patio
and a little imagination is all it takes
– but is that even innocent now –

Exposition “Jeux, rituels et récréations”, Gare Saint-Sauveur, Lille, 2017

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