Friday, 3 February 2017

Hic Sunt Draconis

In the dark shade of the trees
Grow monsters hooded like monks,
Just as beautiful as peonies,
Under the aegis of the trunks.

Innocent-looking krakens
In the manifold places of their birth
Appearing from cracked earth
In the security of the gardens
In the fertile soil at the foot of walls
Or where any form of decay falls.

The neophytes, never taught but warned,
Still drawn to their shapely form
Took windrows home
And their tables therewith adorned.

Souls once immaculate
Now to the wolves thrown
The hem of their habit
Locked in their petrifying hand
Unable to run away
Or join their hands to pray.

Sheep, undisturbed most,
Thrive and graze
Feeding off these
Unminding of the dose
Which would be lethal
In vertiginous fall
For many other species.

That which kills could cure
If that which would cure didn't kill,
As love budding and dying
Which, in so doing, does death instill.

First comes the tingling, the shortness of breath
Then the numbing and the heartache
At the hands of the quiet Goliath
The flesh so weak, so weak
The mind numbed
the heart stunned
If ye need be angry, poison,
In thy tyranny be quick!

Less innocent creatures feed
Now on these fatal flowers
Born in terror and in terror breed
More formidable their powers
More potent their poison
Turn reason into treason
Deepen the hell of these bowers.

For now basilisks and asps
At leisure among these flower fields
Reshape our confidence in maps
Turn quiet lands into battlefields
Ready to rear up and hiss
For hic sunt draconis.


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