Wednesday, 11 January 2017

fissure vs fusion

we need to
break the i
why should there be
a capital letter

i is no better
than you

words are br
duct-taped together
and to the line
so they don't shift too much

nothing as more irritating
as a definition that
veers, realigns

they don't mean nothing
unless you really need them
unless you sort the you out first
clear out the imprecisions
so we can understand one another

why should there be a form
norms are made to be br

noone is made of straight lines
they converge or diverge
run parallel if only for a while
but choices change
they don't last
in the wake of headlines
full of eyes and alter echoes

it's a battle of words
while we struggle for words
to say we love
to say we understand
or that we care
you and i
should see eye to eye
not turn a blind i
when we err
in the i of the storm

for there is beauty in the i
when it means something
to you

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