Monday, 30 January 2017


The word has been spelt out.
Two syllables, just a handful of letters really,
which mean life will never be the same again.

The tremor has passed.
No shock to speak of,
as deep down we knew
that deep down
some thing had woken up.
We could almost feel it.

This word, with timid lips pronounced
a few months ago,
now has gathered its full impetus.

It doesn't mean anything, per se.
It simply is a diagnosis,
an explanation for the discomfort,
for the ache waking us up,
a description of the pain that be,
a herald of the pain to come.

As simple as it may sound,
the barbarity of its actual name
scorches the very heart out of us.

Yet it also brings a sense of conclusion,
some weird feeling that now that
the storm has broken through the overcast
serenity can finally be achieved,
independent from survival or defeat,
from absolution or culpability.

Some old words will acquire new meanings.
Others will become obsolete.
Others will need to be invented.

What is left now is the fight
against one's own body,
one's own determination,
ironically finding the cure
at the exact same place
where the sickness first grew.

Ironically finding a new direction,
a renewed impulse and a refreshed step
whilst before we so fervently wished to die.

It may even be that one word
or a word-within-a-look
uttered from someone's heart
shall give us strength beyond reckoning
or shall break us into pieces.
Such is their power, and ours.

Today, we heard the word
which spelt our rise or our fall.
Today, we are in the eye of the storm.

Monday, 23 January 2017


A simple touch had been enough
her fingers gently rustling
the hair on the nape of my neck
this simple touch was enough
to wipe out a thousand years of solitude

If only I could forget this simple touch
I would sleep at night.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

fissure vs fusion

we need to
break the i
why should there be
a capital letter

i is no better
than you

words are br
duct-taped together
and to the line
so they don't shift too much

nothing as more irritating
as a definition that
veers, realigns

they don't mean nothing
unless you really need them
unless you sort the you out first
clear out the imprecisions
so we can understand one another

why should there be a form
norms are made to be br

noone is made of straight lines
they converge or diverge
run parallel if only for a while
but choices change
they don't last
in the wake of headlines
full of eyes and alter echoes

it's a battle of words
while we struggle for words
to say we love
to say we understand
or that we care
you and i
should see eye to eye
not turn a blind i
when we err
in the i of the storm

for there is beauty in the i
when it means something
to you

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Arctos Rhododactylos

– Le froid, insupportable, avec pour seul remède
une vinasse chaude, épaisse et aussi laide
que sa maigre cuisine sans espoir ni chauffage –
Oui, il est fini le temps où elle avait un âge.

Ces sons qu'elle n'entend plus – l'eau qui bout,
la faïence qu'on ébrèche sur l'évier –
et d'autres qu'elle n'aura jamais entendu –
ceux d'une vie dont elle a sans le savoir déviée.

Elle grelotte sur ce lit où jamais le repos
ne l'a trouvée, apaisée, aux côtés d'un tâte-au-pot.
Le soir tombe et ses nuages comme un laguis
referment leurs doigts sur son corps alangui.

Voilà que ce Christ étendu en miroir en face
lui rappelle des choses qu'elle voudrait qu'on efface.
D'un geste tendre et machinal, elle caresse sa poitrine :
la boursouflure en son sein qui la démange et la chagrine
ne lui concède que le seul réconfort, tout en pensant à Lui,
de la certitude charnelle de l'orage durant la nuit.

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